Materials for CO2UNTdown – With innovative materials to CO2 neutrality

June 29 ,2022, 14:00 - 18:00 h

Empa-Akademie, Dübendorf

Buildings, industrial plants, roads, cars, electronic gadgets and, and, and. Our modern lifestyle consumes vast amounts of energy and materials. But climate change and the resulting increasing risk of natural hazards, population growth and diminishing resources are gradually leading to a rethink. We urgently need new technologies and materials to reduce our carbon footprint and achieve the climate goals we have set.

Because time is running out: Switzerland has committed to being climate neutral by 2050; the federal government's climate package even wants to achieve "Net Zero" as early as 2030. At this year's "Technology Briefing", the focus will be on innovative materials, technologies and concepts that make CO2 neutrality - in certain areas even a negative CO2 balance - possible. With this ambitious goal in mind, Empa recently launched the "CO2UNTdown" research initiative. Because the clock is really ticking ...

About the Technology Briefing
The aim of the "Technology Briefing" is to inform industry and trade about current practical issues and to offer possible answers. At this event, Empa and selected industry representatives explore the question of how innovative materials can be used to achieve CO2 neutrality and thus the climate targets defined by the federal government. 
In addition to providing information, the event also serves as an opportunity to exchange experiences with experts and to identify potential for cooperation and innovation.


The program is only available in German, since the event will be held in German. Thank you for your understanding. 

14:00                Willkommenskaffe

14:30                Begrüssung und Einführung

Dr. Brigitte Buchmann, Member of Directorate, Head of Department Mobility, Energy and Environment, Empa

Claudia Gonzalez, Leiterin Empa-Akademie

14:45                 Vom Ressourcenverbrauchs- zum Energiewende-Champion

Dr. Harald Desing, Postdoctoral Researcher, Technology and Society Lab, Empa

Marcel Gauch, Gruppenleiter, Technology and Society Lab, Empa

15:15                Bauen in Kreisläufen

Reto Largo, Geschäftsführer NEST, Empa

15:45                Kaffeepause

16:15                 Materialentwicklungen für CO2-Abscheidung – Möglichkeiten, Chancen und Herausforderungen

Dr. Sandra Galmarini, Building Energy Materials and Components Lab, Empa

16:45                CO2-Speicherung in Beton

Dr. Andreas Leemann, Concrete & Asphalt Lab, Empa

17:15                Gastvortrag Neustark AG

Johannes Tiefenthaler, Gründer und Co-CEO, Neustark AG

17:45                Schlusswort und Abschied

Claudia Gonzalez, Leiterin Empa-Akademie

17:50:               Apéro

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