Climate chambers

We offer large sample storage and testing chambers with climatic conditions controlled at extremely high precision, e.g.: 
  • Testing and storage chamber with 90±3 %RH and 20±0.3°C (max. 20 m2)
  • Testing and storage chamber with 70±3 %RH and 20±0.3°C (max. 20 m2)
  • Testing and storage chamber with 57±3 %RH and 20±0.3°C (max. 20 m2)
  • Testing and storage chamber with 35±3 %RH and 20±0.3°C (max. 20 m2)
  • Carbonation chambers with adjustable COconcentration and RH
  • Wind tunnel with a wind speed of 7.5±0.5 m/s and adjustable temperature/RH (e.g. for plastic shrinkage cracking tests at 33±1°C and 35±5% RH)
Concrete slabs prepared for testing
In addition to climatic chambers with fixed conditions, we offer chambers where climate can be adjusted for the special needs of your tests, e.g.: 
  • Storage chamber, 20-60°C, up to 90% RH (max. 10 m2)
  • Storage chamber down to -25°C (max. 15 m2)
  • Different sample storage cabinets/desiccators with adjustable temperature and RH (filled with air or nitrogen)
Please contact us for further information on the availability and temperature/RH range.
Drying shrinkage tests at 70±3 %RH and 20±0.3°C
Drying creep tests at 70±3 %RH and 20±0.3°C

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